Self-Publishing Fast Track

Take your project to the finish line—on time. We offer professional support backed by decades of industry experience in all phases of book publishing.

Ala Carte Book Services

We do any part of the editorial or production of your book and provide guidance through the book publishing pipeline. We deliver press-ready files precisely to the printer's specifications. We work with KDP/Amazon or Ingram Direct to ensure quality control and avoid expensive revisions.​

Case Study #1

Someday Yonkers took 27 days from rough draft through editing, design, page production and printing, to delivery of bound books. The author achieved his goal to have cases of books to give out on the occasion of his grandmother's 80th birthday celebration.

Total Cost $950

Case Study #2

Beyond the Box of Space and Time took three weeks to completely redesign front and back cover. It was republished with a new ebook and bound edition available on Amazon. The author met a tight deadline to have his book for sale at an important conference and speech to his target audience.

Total Cost $675

The Book Publishing Pipeline

Choose from this à la carte menu of support services that offer end-to-end solutions in every phase of the publishing pipeline:

  • Plan and management from concept to distribution
  • Text editing, proofreading, and book doctoring for rewrites
  • Author coaching and technical support consultation
  • Creative services from cover design to illustration
  • Page layout and typesetting to press-ready pages
  • Print production management for e-books and print-on-demand
  • Marketing, PR, and integrated media

Marketing and Promotion

Know Your Market

Using social media can help the merchandise market and sales. Book publishing today demands a more significant number of formats and diverse distribution channels. Social media outlets continue to add new channels for consumers of books and products. Technology marketing messages must drive interest and engagement in your audience.

Narrowly targeted messages using full-stack marketing combined with e-commerce have come of age. Aligning media with marketing creates an entourage effect to reach your ideal audience for branding and direct sales. Vertically integrated media aids distribution into non-traditional outlets.

Learn more about marketing your book with some of the helpful videos below.

Self-Publishing Checklist

​If you are new to self-publishing, below is a handy checklist to help familiarize you with the book publishing pipeline.